Critique de jeu/Saison 14 partie 1

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Liste des critiques diffusées en janvier et février 2014[modifier]

Première diffusion
140106/01/2014 World of Warplanes 11Windows
140107/01/2014 Stick it to the Man 62PlayStation 369PlayStation Vita11Windows
140108/01/2014 Killer Instinct 22Xbox One
140109/01/2014 Doki-Doki Universe 64PlayStation 462PlayStation 369PlayStation Vita
140113/01/2014 Tiny Brains 64PlayStation 411Windows
140114/01/2014 Teslagrad 11Windows12Macintosh13Linux
140115/01/2014 The Novelist 11Windows12Macintosh
140116/01/2014 Peggle 2 22Xbox One
140119/01/2014 The Walking Dead : Season 2 Ep 1 20Xbox 36062PlayStation 311Windows12Macintosh70iOS
140120/01/2014 Mario Party : Island Tour 42Nintendo 3DS
140121/01/2014 Samurai Gunn 11Windows
140122/01/2014 Dr. Luigi 45Wii
140123/01/2014 Max : The Curse of the Brotherhood 22Xbox One
140126/01/2014 The Banner Saga 11Windows70iOS
140127/01/2014 Might & Magic X - Legacy 11Windows
140128/01/2014 Kingdom Rush 11Windows
140129/01/2014 Continue?9876543210 11Windows12Macintosh13Linux
140130/01/2014 Dragon Ball Z : Battle of Z 22Xbox One64PlayStation 469PlayStation Vita
140202/02/2014 Assassin's Creed Liberation HD 20Xbox 36062PlayStation 311Windows
140202/02/2014 Zombeer 62PlayStation 311Windows12Macintosh
140203/02/2014 Not The Robots 11Windows
140204/02/2014 Nidhogg 11Windows
140205/02/2014 UnEpic 11Windows45Wii
140206/02/2014 Broken Age (Act I) 11Windows12Macintosh13Linux70iOS71Android
140210/02/2014 Octodad: Dadliest Catch 11Windows12Macintosh13Linux64PlayStation 4
140211/02/2014 Strike Vector 11Windows
140212/02/2014 OlliOlli 69PlayStation Vita
140213/02/2014 Astebreed 11Windows
140216/02/2014 The Last of Us : Left Behind 62PlayStation 3
140217/02/2014 Jazzpunk 11Windows12Macintosh13Linux
140218/02/2014 Dustforce 62PlayStation 369PlayStation Vita20Xbox 36011Windows12Macintosh13Linux
140219/02/2014 Echo Prime 70iOS11Windows
140220/02/2014 Donkey Kong Country : Tropical Freeze 45Wii
140223/02/2014 Fable Anniversary 20Xbox 360
140223/02/2014 Lightning Returns : Final Fantasy XIII 20Xbox 36062PlayStation 3
140223/02/2014 Ys : Memories of Celceta 69PlayStation Vita
140224/02/2014 Oniken 11Windows12Macintosh13Linux
140225/02/2014 Strider 20Xbox 36062PlayStation 322Xbox One64PlayStation 411Windows
140226/02/2014 DanganRonpa : Trigger Happy Havoc 69PlayStation Vita
140227/02/2014 Banished 11Windows